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Dr. James C. Frangos 1949-2022

Dr. James C. FrangosDr. Frangos was born in Dover, NH on January 18th, 1949. He attended Dover High School and graduated from Berwick Academy. He went on to graduate from the University of New Hampshire with a degree in Zoology before obtaining his doctorate from the Pennsylvania College of Optometry in 1977.

He began our practice in Dover in 1984 on Broadway, before moving it to our current location on Portland Avenue in 1994. Beloved by all of his patients, Dr. Frangos was known for his soothing bedside manner and down-to-earth personality. Because of this, many of his patients reported that they felt like they were coming to see their friend at their appointments rather than their eye doctor. Some longtime loyal patients traveled great distances just to see him. Countless times he would drop what he was doing on a weekend and come in to see a patient for an emergency. Also, every summer he volunteered his time by providing eye exams to Special Olympics athletes.

An avid hiker and fly fisherman, Dr. Frangos climbed many peaks including: the Matterhorn in France, the Grand Teton range in Wyoming, and all of New Hampshire’s four thousand foot peaks. More recently in his free time he could be found fly fishing the many streams and rivers of the White Mountains, and travelling at least once every year to fish in Yellowstone National Park. Indeed, his two favorite places to be were catching trout on Slough Creek or seeing patients in his office.

He will be forever missed by all.